Since the establishment of the Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative (ABI) in 2003, land-use planning has been one of the major themes to be carried out across the Agulhas Plain landscapes by partners and government where possible.
The land-use planning theme encourages the balancing of environmental, social and economic opportunities, whilst addressing the threats to the Overberg’s natural landscapes.

The ABI Alien Clearing Project recently tackled alien infestations across the Agulhas Plain during 2017 and 2018.
This was achieved under the coordination of Flower Valley Conservation Trust and funding received through the Department of Environmental Affairs, private landowners and the Drakenstein Trust.
Approximately R4.2 million was invested into the project to employ local community members to remove invasive alien plants. This excludes the sweat capital and contributions in kind from the land owners.

Statistics of success:
• Approximately 11 000 hectares cleared
• 419 participants employed under 22 contracting teams
• 17 784 working person days achieved
• 125 participants trained in First Aid, Health and Safety and Herbicide Application for the first time
A big thank you to the nine conservancies involved, who partnered with the project providing their support, resources and co-funding along the way:
• Solitaire
• Spanjaardskloof Inwoners Vereniging
• Napier Mountain Conservancy
• Kleinriviersberg
• Akkedisberg
• De Diepegat
• The Nuwejaars Wetlands Special Management Area
• Strandveld Boerevereniging
• Walker Bay Fynbos Conservancy
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