So many individuals and organisations are doing great work in the Overberg. But often we work in isolation. So ABI is the meeting place for those who care about protecting our region’s natural resources. From the private sector to government – together we address key conservation issues.
How does ABI work?
The Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative (ABI) is a landscape initiative. In fact, we’re the conservation coordination hub of the Overberg region of South Africa. If you’re an ABI Partner, then you are ABI. Our ABI Partners choose to live the ABI Way: To work together to secure a productive healthy natural environment, to benefit all, in the Overberg.
ABI has five tasks, known as the 5c’s:
To convene interested and affected parties
To collate information and data
To communicate with all parties
To conceptualise projects and initiatives
To help raise capital for priority activities

What makes the Overberg so special? Well, it’s not only our rich fynbos and renosterveld. Nor our wetlands, rivers and catchments. It’s also our agriculture.
Ever driven through the Overberg? Then you’ll know what sets this district apart. It’s a combination of natural landscapes and agricultural lands.
As ABI Partners, we understand how important it is to protect our natural resources. We know the success of our agricultural sector depends on the health of the natural world around us. As partners, we realised this natural heritage needed immediate conservation action. But that we must work together to achieve success.
ABI offers are taking innovative steps in conservation, social development, and other relevant fields, the opportunity to meet, share and work together to maximize our conservation efforts. More partners continue to come on board across the entire Overberg. We operate according to these four themes:
Much research has taken place in the Overberg over the past 3 decades. Below is a list of biodiversity-related research (compiled largely by Brenda Daley). From research in our marine environment, to water and wetlands research, you can see the comprehensive list here.
ABI is a voluntary association and signing up to become a member has no cost. As an individual, organisation, government department or business – we invite you to join and attend ABI-related events to share knowledge and partner towards protecting our natural landscapes.
In 2020-21, ABI undertook an exercise to plan for the next decade. With funding from WWF Nedbank Green Trust we were able to get together, collect ideas, learn from the past and prioritise the future.
To our ABI partners: Thank you for playing a part in helping ABI to get this far and to set the course for ABI for the coming years.
In a nutshell, here are the main action areas to come out of the re-visioning process:
- ABI’s objective, to foster biodiversity through sustainable and integrated socio-cultural, economic and environmental development in the Overberg, remains at the heart of ABI.
- A working group will investigate establishing a Biosphere Reserve – either in the Overberg, or in the Agulhas area.
- Whether we opt for a biosphere reserve or not, ABI will continue for now to play the coordinating role to bring partners together for joint action.
- ABI is now being set up as a non-profit organisation and public benefit organisation with its own bank account, secretariat and co-ordination unit.
- ABI partners highlighted the importance of scaling up ecological restoration on the Agulhas Plain – in particular to coordinate alien clearing efforts with fire management.
- That’s why ABI will continue to support landowners to come together to access alien clearing funding.
- ABI will also establish an Alien & Fire Action Group to allow for quick actions where needed by partners.
The revisioning process was funded by the WWF Nedbank Green Trust between 2020 and 2021.
ABI Alien Clearing Project: The impact and challenges between 2013-2021
Following a series of interviews with workers, contractors, landowners and implementers involved, the evaluators found that the project had a vast social impact on the landscape.
Managing the Overberg landscape collaboratively
Why should the Overberg landscape be managed collaboratively? A recent study has assessed the role the Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative is playing across the Overberg as a landscape initiative.
Cultivating a conservation culture in the Overstrand: The Whale Coast Conservation
For 19 years, the Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) has launched environmental interventions to
Invasive aliens on front burner at historic ABI get-together
The ABI Annual General Meeting brings together a range of partners including farmers and landowners, tourism operators, municipalities, environmental educators, nature conservation
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Located around the most southerly tip of Africa, the Overberg region is the showcase of some of the most beautiful landscapes.