The Overberg faces many threats. And we’ve seen these highlighted at some of our partnership get-togethers during 2017.

But in spite of the obstacles, there’s always a sense of optimism at the end of the meetings. And that’s the power of the ABI partnership: where we work together to address these challenges, and help each other achieve our conservation and other goals.

We worked to capture the essence of this ABI community in our brand new ABI website. And we’re really proud of the result. Please take a look:, and let us know what you think. The website is a key tool to communicate with partners, members and donors, so we’re also keen to receive content (blogs and articles) from you for the site. As partners, please share information and news with us so that we can share it to an even wider circle of interested people.

It’s an honour to work with you in this partnership – thank you for your contributions and support in 2017.

We look forward to seeing you all in the new year, filled with vim and vigour for the task ahead. Our next ABI Partner get-together will be in the first quarter of the year when we’ll be dealing with some exciting new ideas and initiatives. In the meantime, we wish you a wonderful, restful festive season with friends and family.

Get our news here.

Kind regards,

Lesley and the ABI Coordination Unit